Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Callista83. This week Callista asks:

What’s the lightest, most “fluff” kind of book you’ve read recently?

As I pondered this question, one book came almost immediately to mind. It is, Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George. You can read my full review here. This was a fun read, and one that would be a perfect break between more serious reading selections.

This is an interesting question, because I think it really depends on what you personally define as "fluff." For instance, I have a friend that feels that any book that isn't a certified classic is a waste of time and not worth reading, while another feels that the shopaholic series should be required reading in our consumer driven society. Personally, I consider a book of fluff to be a fun and somewhat frivolous read; one that doesn't really require me to ponder any personal or societal beliefs. In short, I consider a fluff book to be the literary equivalent of a Disney cartoon like Sleeping Beauty; a whole lot of fun and leaves me with a smile as the credits roll. What is your idea of fluff?