Genre: Suspense, Mystery

I haven't read any of Kathy Reich's previous books, a fact which had me somewhat leery as I picked up this one. Sometimes, especially with books in a long series, it is almost impossible to understand what is going on if you try to jump in mid-series. I was pleasantly surprised to find that in this instance my fears were unfounded. 206 Bones is a great read, plain and simple, with lots of action and great characters.

Reich's series is very popular, so much so that it has in fact led to the creation of Bones, a television series based on the books. I've seen a few episodes of Bones, so I was a bit surprised to find that the books take place in Canada. I actually preferred the setting of the novel, and found myself wondering why they changed it. Attempting to further fuel our egocentric Americanism perhaps? But, I digress.

206 Bones begins with the main character, Dr. Temperance Brennan finds herself buried alive. She has no memory of how or why she is in this situation, and only slowly do the memories come flooding back to her mind. Recently, Tempe has been investigating the mysterious deaths of several older women; victims of violent attacks which may or may not be the work of a single individual. Her focus on the cases has been somewhat compromised by some troubling mishaps that have occurred in Tempe's own autopsy suites. These mishaps have begun to undermine the confidence of her superiors, and have eventually result in Tempe even beginning to question her own competence. Meanwhile, her relationship with her longtime co-worker/love interest Lieutenant Ryan has moved into undefined and unresolved territory. What these circumstances have to do with Tempe's own deadly situation remain to be seen.

I really enjoyed the dual mystery aspect of this novel. It was interesting to read as Tempe tried to piece together the reasons for her situation. Reich's pacing was excellent, as she never gave too much away, but she didn't unravel the story so slowly that it was frustrating. I found myself really getting emotionally involved with the characters, especially Tempe. I don't want to give anything away in this review, so I will simply say that Tempe is suffering from some co-worker related troubles throughout the novel. Reichs had me fuming right along with Tempe against the injustice of it all. In short, if you haven't read any of Reich's books and are looking to give one a try, you can't go wrong with this one.

I'm giving my slightly dented ARC copy to one lucky reader. Simply leave a comment below stating why you think I should pick you! Include your email address, or I won't!
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ccqdesigns's avatar

ccqdesigns · 784 weeks ago

I love the series Bones and watch every episode, yet I have never read one of the books! I would love to read this one to see if the series is as good as I have heard. And I LOVE murder mysteries. I have read all of Patricia Cornwell's books, so if I like these, it will give me a whole new series to read!!!
1 reply · active 784 weeks ago
It is looking good for you so far Rebecca since the competition is a bit sparse!
Christy Hawkes's avatar

Christy Hawkes · 784 weeks ago

I HAVE read ALL of Kathy Reich's books (except for this one). I didn't start watch BONES the series until a year ago. I'd love to be entered to win this!
Happy New Year!
I've read the Kathy Reich's books as well. I just noticed today that this book was available, and I'd love to have it to read.
I love Bones but haven't read any of these books, so I'd love to received this one, dented or no.
stacybooks at yahoo
Sandy Greathouse's avatar

Sandy Greathouse · 784 weeks ago

I'm a "Bones" (the series) fan too, and so is my eldest grandaughter, who will be starting college next year and wants to go into forensics and anything associated with that field. She is an Honor Roll senior and I'm quite proud of her.

Now as to why I'd like to win this book...I love Kathy Reich's novels, and I'm "never not reading" (to borrow your logo" ) , and would share it with my grandaughter. :-) Enjoy your blog and all the great reviews.

Happy New Year!

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